Jedi & Sith alike will know thy judgement in my presence- Dav 'Chi, Reaper of the Force
Nick Fury[Dragoncon 2012]
How deep are you willing to explore the true nature of the darkside and its gifts that many cannot endure? -Lord Maliss Master Sith Alchemist
How deep you willing to explore the true nature of the darkside and its gifts that many cannot endure? -Lord Maliss Master Sith Alchemist
Nick Fury : Multi-verse #72081. Photography by Pat Loika
Nick Fury of Earth #72081 at the TVA
Lord Maliss, Master Sith Alchemist
[self] [Original Character]Vampire Lord Sarmad
[self] I know it's not the BEST Doc Ock but I felt like I pulled it off okay
Darth Talon by KalinkaFox [StarWars]
Facelift anybody?
Yaegar Class Redesign (DS9)
S.H.I.E.L.D of Earth #72081 [photography by Troy Nelson]
Lord Maliss [photography by Sublime Lightworks]
Which Actor do you think could play Young Dooku?
Mace Fury: Director of J.E.D.I (Justice Enforcement of Divisional Intelligence)
Lord Maliss
the last thing you see before I send you into the great beyond
Mace Fury: Director of J.E.D.I
[cosplay] Nick Fury of Universe #72081 by Samjacksonstuntdouble, Photography by Greg Larro
and the Sith shall rule once again, thy will be done in my Empire😈. @samjacksonstuntdouble @Ahsokatattoo
Nick Fury of Universe #35781