When your lashes didn’t quite agree on a direction
Ben said don't take photos of me. But then He changed his mind
A sketch i did of Woody!
This was the first thing I saw upon opening my eyes this morning
Adopting a Schnauzer
My tiny boy
Churros 6th Birthday!
Ben saying good morning everyone
Food/Treat help. What are you guys giving your schnauzers
I’ve never loved anything more in my whole life. 💙
Has anyone else dealt with these black bumps/warts on their mini’s? My 12 year old girl has been getting a few popping up around her body. The vet said they’re likely benign and can remove them.
Thank God I have this ferocious guard dog
Woody is proud of you for making it through the week 💙
How barky are they?
Chest pain going into breasts and armpits
The look I get when Woody hears me singing a song I wrote about him for the 87th time today
Armpit symptoms?
Sometimes we have bedhead, sometimes we have “bed-lashes”
What are your predictions for the next album is?
Valentines day dog cookies for the twins
Ellen Greenberg
Don’t think he likes his sock 🤣
Question as new NFL fan
Kind of impossible to have a bad day when you have one of these
Rest in peace to my boy 🪽🦋🤍 15 years strong! You are beyond missed diesel 😔