Just some WIP Squats
Redemptionists and Corpse Grinders?
Should I read "Gardens of the moon" or listen to it as an audiobook?
What was the Emperor's biggest fumble?
the shower in the apartment I moved into self-destructs
Wagenknecht bezeichnet Putin als Verbrecher
-Stands right in front of the Golden Throne to see what its like-
How to make this armour effect?
Einer kann noch ganze Sätze formulieren.
Urban legends in Germany?
My Cassia Orsellio cosplay!
Zeigt mir eure härtesten Friseur Namenswitze
This is a joke, right.....right?
Why is Necromunda less popular than Kill Team?
Thoughts on Valejo Color shift?
It appears there was a spider egg in my computer, any advice?
Would you accept this as an Exalted Hero of Chaos proxy?
Habe ich eigentlich was verpasst?
Mach es möglich
Getting this army ready for 4.0
New to AoS and ordered Darkoath-Box. What miniatures next?
Femboy world eater ahead!
This is probably my last Warhammer related post.
I think the next edition can afford to merge a few of these profiles.
First ever model painted, Hydra Dominatus! (C&C welcome, I know it's far from perfect)