Do you guys have any childfree relatives?
Life sucks
What’s your most favourite aspect of being CF?
I don't mind working a dead end job
I feel like shit all the time
I got rejected for a entry level job
Anyone here struggling to get a job in this tough job market?
18-20 year olds what are you doing in life?
Anyone here 18-20 years old?
I hate being asked these questions
This world sucks (my opinion)
This world sucks
I don’t want to exist anymore
I hate my teeth
I am jealous with people with jobs
life is so stressful
I'm a Good for nothing
1 year has passed since i tried to find a success....
I hate the job market
This is not the adult life I expected
what resume template are you using?
What resume template are you guys using?
Is there specific resume template you guys are using to get jobs?