My art is the result of daydreaming
I love Papa Meat and also enjoy painting monsters
I applied to be an artist for the avatar project! Excited!
If war happened between NATO and the USA - The USA would lose and only Russia would win...
TIL that Trumps uncle was put in charge of reviewing Nikola Tesla's posessions and papers after his passing
What goes on here? Genuine question from someone who lives on the opposite side of the country.
Anonymous released a video after Twitter reportedly had errors and Elon posted about coordinated targeting of the app
Sanders: ‘These are the scariest times in my life’
US : Do you believe this will be similar or worse to the great depression?
Democrats Push AOC to Take Schumer’s Seat After Shutdown Surrender: Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer has managed to do the impossible: unite almost the entire left (against him).
Never forget that it's ALWAYS been WE THE PEOPLE fighting for basic human rights throughout all of human history
I think we are in a silent war with Russia and the presidency has been infiltrated...
I think we are in a silent war with Russia and our presidency has been infiltrated...
Elon Musk advocates for at least 120 hours of work every week
Schumer Caves - What a P*$$y
BOO! Schumer says he'll vote for Trump's CR
USA : Now is the time to consider running for politics
Conservatives making fake protest postings on Craigslist
Further proof that our actions are working
Oh Jesus Christ. He's going to start a war with Canada I just know it
Twitter Threatens Our Democracy. Canada Should Ban It
What is more of an issue?
Due to ongoing trade war, do you feel America is still a good place for jobs?
URGENT WARNING: Trump is Planning to Invade Canada & Greenland