When people INSIST others use their title
Pre-wedding photo shoot is a waste of money
One year progress
Drinking at Airports is dumb
Men should always sit when using the toilet
When people shame you for “wasting money” but they don’t factor in how much time it saves.
We all should clap on planes, actually
Way too many Springhill/Fairfield Complaint posts. Stay at a nicer brand of Marriott hotels.
Did anyone skip all of the wedding extras? (Bachelorette, shower, rehearsal, brunch, etc)
When people post a question on Facebook then say "And go..."
Used Carol’s Daughter & my hair is falling out in clumps
A-List Preferred member: These changes won't affect me directly, but I'm still disgusted
Southwest will now charge you for checking bags
I got these braids done on Saturday and some look like this. does it mean the braider is no good or my ends need help??
Why Americans need electoral college can't they just count the number of votes and whoever got the most votes wins the election.
Why does a lot of americans use gym clothes and pajamas to any place that doesn’t have a dress code?
Favorite Hispanic Woman in the Power Universe?
How can Costco offer such steep discounts on premium fragrances? Does someone in acquisitions have an anon account that can give us the inside scoop?
Would you say my hair is waist length or hip length
Carols Daughter is back!
Is it rude to send out elopement announcements?
DAE bite their pets back?
Don’t bother with Massage/Spa on the ships.
Why is KANAN last name STARKS but his family last name is THOMAS ?
Might be the worst one yet