Difference in yutes across the UK
A beginner anime watcher here currently halfway through Death Note
How to revise with flashcards and past papers ?
last few months for y13
Girl refusing to do a pregnancy test even though she says she's pregnant
In Kent of all places 🤔
Is Tiktok for producers dead?
Is there something wrong with story views because I cannot access my story right now
Guys do me a favour. These guys from my skl tha for some reason have some issue w me tha I don't decided to make a disstrack. Plz rate it out of 10
Why she on hots
LF: .amaryllis by fullstopnathan
Why are youth still trying to make it as drill rappers?
i feel like sus took inspiration from Broke Opps and Crazy Story from King Von
African remix of Thick of it done by me
I tried to improve ksi song
Not related but how did you man perform in your GCSEs?
Man said unknown t himself approved of my remix 😭🙏🏿
Had to give YJ his own remix lmk wha U think
here's the instrumental hope U like the beat
Lmk wha U think of this remix
How do U create a .nathan. type beat ?
How do you create a .nathan. type beat ? I need a tutorial
Barley lived life…