Ante la humillante derrota de la Ley Bitcoin y caída de popularidad, Nayib Bukele revive el "Festival del Buen Vivir"
Foreigners in Belgium, how do you cope with the leave days in your first year of working here?
Can we please stop posting memes here please?
El nacionalismo y patriotismo son un cáncer.
¿Por qué los HOMBRES son PENDEJOS?
Why does Belgium treat toilets like a business?
How much common is in Belgium to accompany the lunch with beer?
“El salvadoreño es pendejo”
Youtube without ads for Android Tv?
Would it disturb a train conductor to be waved at by a possible passenger when the train arrives at a train station?
What’s a useful tip you wish you knew when starting out?
Salvadorans are lazy.- Murphslife
Well that was a lie( they said this 6 months ago)
This game has introduced me to logic gates and I spent the last 3 days wiring this clock.
The 10th anniversary is next year. Let's talk about the future of NMS
Conservadurismo en El Salvador?
Why do people dislike Aiden while they love characters like Batman?
How common are pickpockets in Barcelona actually?
Movies with this kind of vibe?
I’m not the only one who thinks the wildlife is hugely undercooked, am I?
¿por qué está tan normalizado ver "mal" deportar a inmigrantes ilegales?
Just started playing today and this happened
Finally after killing 45 dreadnought freigters, I got a S class
¿Qué productos financieros conocen que den un rendimiento superior a la inflación?
This game has one of the most frustrating UIs I've ever used. What planet is that? Nah, here's a base!