25F, my only current interest is Warhammer
Can we talk about Amber for a second. Holy smokes has she changed!!!
AIO? My bf(19M) writes fake posts including sensitive topics,on Reddit
BPD “e-girl” update
AIO? Sister in Law told me to get a psychiatrist because I didn’t want my kids to spend the night.
Gay, 24, slightly chubby, do your worst.
Update: No bed for you... Constructive eviction
AIO?? Did my boyfriend just use AI to text me??
What does my fridge say about me?
Feeling torn!
I’m sorry but how is she complaining about benefits and not being able to feed her kids?!
Am I the only crime show junkie who immediately thought of Casey Anthony?
Am I stoned, or does Redd look like this old school Fisher Price phone toy? Ps. I'm definitely stoned.
WHY are Bradley and Savannah coming back next season for? Lots of the storylines suck
Has Andrea lost her everlasting mind?! SPOILER
I said "yes" a few hours ago
I’m bout to commit some vile acts please calm me or talk to me
Is it normal that I feel at peace now that I know I'm gonna do it?
Still can’t believe it 🥹
What should we call this baby my sister just picked up
Destinie's Sense of Entitlement....
Destinie 🗑
AIO for being upset with my bf for choosing to go out and party when we had plans?
Worst person from this show?