How Do I Not Be Cringe??? ;_______;
Is it lame to not want to party or drink alcohol?
If you could bring back to life any celebrity who died too young, who would it be?
You Are Approached by Someone Claiming to Be in a Time Loop
I'm Tired of Being Tired of Being Single. What Do I Do?
UMich and UT R, same day
He Can't Keep Getting Away With This!
Yale R
Don't Want to Be That Guy... but 172 and 3.71 for T14?
One song a week - good idea?
Had the Best Date of my Life But Apparently I Still Can't Catch a Break
Put together a bunch of my songs into a demo EP. I'm really happy with it, wdyt?
Finally Put a Few of my Best Songs Together into an EP... How'd it Turn Out?
A show like “Hot Ones” but with alcohol
Do you guys have your drivers license and what age did you get it?
What’s the worst that could happen if we all got paid a livable wage ??
Blueprints Not Rendering in Multiplayer
Is there anyone here with hiveminds in their worlds that aren't just evil/want to take over everything and everyone?
What would you call this country?
Is Robert an Idiot or Is This George's Biggest Plot Hole?
Those genres definitely make the most sence but we could use some more variety
Eustace Osgrey and The Little Lion Man
What is your “I will believe this until George personally tells me otherwise” theory?