hey girliess, tell me some of your 'run like a girl' moments.
I can't insert menstrual cup properly even after trying for 6 months. Help me!
Everyone calls me cute. But no one calls me pretty. Being called cute feels like an insult now
People seem so good on reddit. But IRL People sucks.
Have anyone of you seen 'ajji' movie?. Don't you guyss think that all rapists should get such treatment?
Despite being a girl, I kissed a girl. Am I bisexual?
For all the book lovers out there.
A guy kissed me and I feel disgusting.
I feel like I should end my life.It's not like I am depressed or something but I don't have any motive to live and I feel like I am not getting any motive to live any soon.
I want to divorce my husband and have an abortion.
Which song is this?