Family players who DC when a victim escapes
Please fix Johnny. So tired of these cheap deaths! He has no voice lines, no footsteps!
Not being too weird
Y'all think I cooked?
"You're gonna be leaking after that hit!" Made this Johnny art a while ago amd posted it on here, but changed the background😁
Who are your mains and why? Or do you have a main killer and main victim?
Is it worth it?
Who do y'all feel sorry for when you execute a victim?
Og Victim perks
Tcm If Sonny Went Missing Instead Of Maria
Lmao there are no family players
How do you feel about the new skins?
my heart was racing 😭
"Hey there!"
I hate johnny (stupid anger post)
Sunday Best Outfit Pack
real or real
Y-yes... I will keep playing this game!!
Close call I got
2003 Leatherface accuracy