What animal has probably assisted the most in the disposal of a murdered person?
What foods just weird you out?
What words do you always get mixed up?
What’s something you’ve heard that should’ve been that person’s “secret they’d never admit, even under torture”?
What’s the conspiracy theory about your area?
What’s a silly fear you had as a kid?
What’s something that seems to define your state or its cities and nowhere else?
If you could add one completely new item to the food court menu, what would it be?
What is the most overhyped fast food?
my friends black pepper usage is ungodly
What is the one job you'd like to do forever?
What ruined a recent conversation?
What tastes like it was made with sadness?
Redditors who went on dates that were chaperoned by others, how bad was it?
Your screen name is now what happens when you sneeze or fart, how bad is it?
Which cuisine has the weirdest flavor combinations?
What’s a meal you wish you could eat again?
If you decided to reject civilization and go live in the woods, how long do you think you’d survive?
What could you do right now that would really ruin someone’s day?
What’s something that should be unlearned?
What company has the creepiest logo?
What is a show you watched during your childhood that you are convinced nobody remembers?
What hill will you die on that is completely insignificant to the real world and its problems?
What just feels wrong?
What caused your sexual awakening?