Last 2 Hair Systems. Anyone else have long hair?
How do I make the right side look like the left side?
If RU army no longer occupied in UA, would next target be Suwałki Gap?
How can I auto import a .gltf file with it's .png textures automatically?
Have you ever wondered what's under Odin's Helmet...
How can I import a .mdl file?
Hair systems in uk - places and price?
A swastika keyed onto a WankPanzer at Colorado Mills Mall in Lakewood
What being a BLM main feels like in this expansion
Would it be "comical" to go the hair system route after a certain age?
Messy samurai bun
It's using a manbun, actually archivable? How you do it with the hairline? Photos
Honest opinion, with or without the system?
Coming out to friends
Need help!!!! Regarding frontal piece.
Would using a resin printer be safe in an enclosed apartment?
New here!
Anyone in the UK I can talk to about hair systems? Feel like I need some local knowledge.
Manbun Hair system help
How can I better control where Bambu Slicer sets my supports interface material?
O.C Hairsystem frontal piece
Covered at night?
I want to try
Noob question, what is this cube for?