Deploying the Shibe is a little known winning chess strategy.
Tale of 2 Mexicans
Much Austria. Very Hungary.
Did this live up to your expectations on an accurate depiction of legends Luke’s power?
Aaaaannd she leaves.... again.
Literally us.
Ave Me!
The best kind of prayer
Nay mother! These heathens must be cut down first!
how many of you know that super earth uses child labour?
Has CA abandoned us?
Father I did a little bit of trolling (horrific war crimes)
Imagine playing the t*rks
I didn't hear no bell.
It's not a story your dietitian would tell you...
Le squish
Based bri'ish moment???
More reasons to despise those degenerate aberrations.
Gets them every time.
Their Chivalry and Command stats are sorely lacking.
No wonder Angry Ron is so angry.
Of course Luce is this based.
Sigh.... she ruined him.