Vini & Mbappe...
Scored in rivals just now again but this shit wont update neither can i claim the group reward even though i got the exp. anyone else facing this issue? fuck ea btw
Biggest transfer offers?
Does swapping teams in a save break the league this year still?
Weekly Help Thread - Ask your help requests here | Week Commencing 26/04/2020
Tight end to the 20/21 campaign with Watford. I bottled it and lost 2-1 last day and Everton ended up winning the title anyway and the FA Cup, I have never seen them win so much before.
Want to start a career in laliga. Any interesting teams to go with?
Am I the only one excited for Fifa 19?
Serie A in FIFA 19!
Who has completed a career mode? If so who were your best youthies/players?
Dortmund terminate their PES deal; will partner with EA Sports for FIFA 19
Has anyone checked the face scans after the squad update today?
Athletic Bilbao CM Issues!?!?
Career Mode Difficulty Issue
Transfers update
Should I train this beast or let him grow?
What is everyone's favourite player to play with this game so far?
Career mode - Pick my team!
What player do you always sign?
LA Galaxy Career mode idea?
Is it me or they added a new manager?
Fifa 18 Career Mode Transfer Glitch
kessie/sanches/someone else?
What was your best career ever?
No that’s what you call close