Cringey millennial
So she’s apparently spent $57,000 on Cartier
That's just Greta right
Michelle disappoint when told she can only do 3 shrimp
Happy weekend
Lavashak reel on IG
Balloon head ass
Our gurl does not have the ears for headbands 😩
Mrs. petite & boogey babe friend
Miss michelle the germaphobe
Is weight loss in the house with us
Kim will one day regret manifesting this for herself for the sake of a clickbait title
Corn cheese
Not it
the hunchback of menifee
This is genuinely so gross omg
Did mama narc and big pig finally meet?? Not surprised.
Can we please stop the Brooke hate.
Holy fucking shit…her face
Here’s a space to comment your favorite (abhorrent) screenshots of her
Many faces of PigThai
Kim's crazy food obsession
Who does this in a car?!
Is Michelle on a date?!
Fake AF