He keeps getting younger
What Do You Guys Think Vertacines Are Most Closely Related To?
I love chibi/silly Teen Titans so much.
Perdo Pascal as Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius Antoninus (aka Caracalla)
of a writer (Michael Crichton)
What type of dinosaur is Ducky from The Land Before Time series ?
I don’t think it’s a joke? But I need it explained.
Thoughts on the ducktales reboot?
Thrift Store Gold
IDK man I get some dinos had feathers but this just feels so opposite
Slimmy lemon tasted otodus megalodon shark compared with other large marine animals ,sperm whale is the queen now😇.
[Favorite trope] married couples that are actually equal in attractiveness
Hypothetically speaking: How would you make Jurassic Park: The Game part of the current canon?
Arrow deadshot takes the best slot while KTJL deadshot is the worst, z finally is Deathstroke
We all praise the 2003 cartoon but how did it hurt the image of the teen titans IP/brand in your opinion?
of a spider
The Current Villain State of The MCU Validates broad "No Kill Rules" in Marvel Comics/DC
This felt like them calling out other adult animated shows that use an excessive amount of swearing to make themselves feel edgy.
Which Animated show have you seen that is just the embodient of this image?
What’s something you don’t want to see in the dcu?
This sums up why I hate the Light Fury’s design conceptually.
Were there herrerasaurus actually on Isla nublar?
Wtf is this
Do you prefer Harley Quinn as a villain/with joker Or being an anti hero/by herself?