Indemand Toys
Audio from Lythero
A totally normal Iron Gotchard transformation
Dan Mora
Holiday Wishes
Roster for a proposed Battle For The Grid 2 for the 30th anniversary
Imagine Strike Elites, IO Counterpart to the Seven’s Mecha Strike Team
Elemental Opposites Set:
Rate my Collection out of 10
I’m telling you Kekera had to of been hav8ng second thoughts about this whole “True Kamen Rider” thing
Rate my Optimus Prime display
Time Wanderer Set, my version of a male Counterpart to Era
Shin Kamen Rider: Out Of Context
Like Father Like Daughter
Geats helmets
Autobots And Maximals VS Terrorcons Rescored with OG Beast Wars Theme
I haven’t seen anyone do this yet, I think it’s funny
I just had to ok
With the power of editing, I give Keiwa shredders 2003 theme
Here’s some Art of Kamen Rider Ichigo I did awhile ago
A realisation
My Own PR/ Sentai Team (The Mecha Instincts) These characters where heavily Inspired by Toku, specifically by Sentai/ PR, so I thought I’d post it here
Kevin 11 Reboot Transformations
Mecha Instincts Set