I’m rewatching the series and this moment got me thinking, could Nolan really couldn’t come out with a better lie?
they should make another stage like this but it's 50 phases From Goku at the start of Dragon Ball to Goku at the end of Z
Kefla 🏖️ (Francis_SLV)
Ape Vegeta is starting to receive 20K damage per normal, should I transform all the units already?
Is she good against the new Goku Redzone?
Mind you this was CELESTIAL. What was I suppose to do in this scenario??
Is there a way to do this without ssj3 GT Goku?
What the hell just happen
200000 billions years of Backshots
This is the first time my beast has ever died to just normals
Do yall see them getting a Super EZA this celebration or too soon?
Finally, 220% LS, 100%, 7/7 links L 10 and slot 2. WE SAIYANS HAVE NO LIMITS
Finally, 220% LS, 100%, 7/7 links and slot 2. WE SAIYANS HAVE NO LIMITS
My prediction for the WWDC
Do yall think a big booty Latina could have changed him?
Imagine we get him for Saiyan day to partner up with the teq gods 🤤
Videl schoolgirl fetish OPPAI💦📷✨ (Francis_SLV)
With upcoming patch notes, Venom mains what’s the best tip yall have?
This unit ain’t fair dude
Estos deben andar como animales en la ducha para que vegeta tuviera esa reacción
El único chiste en todo Daima que si me hizo reír
Long or short hair?
Don’t worry guys, I know the best team for Str kaioken goku to be number 1 🔥🔥🔥