You Can Only Pick Three
Mike Shinoda
First movie you think of when you see Robin Williams
in what green day era were you born ?
What game do I play based off of my avatar?
Name me your favourite spurs player ever
What’s this Coldplay song for you
You know the drill, guess my age etc.
You try to tell Green Day they have too many songs named after a girl but it goes wrong
what would y’all consider matt’s most iconic video?
If the 80s were a song, what would it be?
What is radioheads most underrated song? (wrong answers only)
Guess what year I was born ...
Green Day earnings?
Mr.bungle for me
Who’s getting aux?
Nirvana wins for N! Now who is the greatest classic rock artist who start with O?
Does anybody know what happened to Yorker Torker? Why is he a train?
Nuh uh dont think of liying
What is the first thing you see when you look at my art piece?
Need new music to listen to!
name him after the last thing you ate
Hi guys! How do you feel about the new album?