My name is Coo
Most you’ve ever paid for a CD?
I finally have Goblin on cd!
Is the alternate cover for Wolf rare on CD?
Most recent tyler song you listened to. Or else tyler dies.
Eminem Joined weezer
What’s an Eminem line that makes you grin everytime you hear it?
This zoo lets you test your strength against different animals
This was not the answer I was expecting, but yeah that tracks.
What do we know about the locomotion of megatherids? Did they walk like a tamandua (first one by Astrapionte) or on their knuckles? (Second one by Joschua knuppe)
Why does Eminem never wear shorts??
What’s the greatest story telling in a rap song?
What’s Em’s best “old” feature?
Thoughts on Bang?
My thoughts on this in 30 minutes
Revival 2
What’s the better MGK diss, Not Alike or Killshot?
Horny check, what is your last saved image
is this photo i took at the seattle concert fire or nah
What’s your guilty pleasure Eminem song?
Shit Yourself
Fake Plastic Shit