Should I stop investing in my 401k?
Decent net worth… but still treated like I’m broke because I don’t flaunt it
If you could bring back to life any celebrity who died too young, who would it be?
Found my (27f) boyfriend’s (m28) reddit account. Please tell me if i should just let go?
All trimmed up
Torn on rocking grey or dying
How often do you go to the Barber, me every two weeks.
43, beard is almost 9 moths old
AIO - asked wife if she blocked a guy she cheated on me with in the past .
My parter (48M) won’t stop asking me (56F) for 3 ways
Any drawbacks to using credit card for all purchases if I pay it off in full every month?
What did your failed relationships teach you?
Bf(M21) gets mad because i (18F) don’t wanna have sex at 4 am??
AIO My (35F) bf (35M) told me he wants me to keep up with my body because he is a high value man
Why are you single?
Is this how all men are as they get older? attraction to younger woman. 25F/40M+
I (24F) have been with bf (25M) since freshman year of college. All’s good in relationship but I want to break up. Advice?!
Beard or not.
My (24f) boyfriend (26m) finished inside me after I explictly told him to not to do so. What do I even do?
Why Do People Pick Beard Over No Beard So Much?