Music class be like
It do be like that
Im curious if this is actually balanced
Can we stop with the (obvious lack of creativity, which is the complete opposite of this subreddit and uninspired attempts to generate karma) "Break this card" nonsense?
Scam the cemetery into taking the same body over and over for 12GGGGG
CHALLENGE: break this card
Grim Omen - probably worse than most options but I could see it having some uses in how it gets around indestructible.
Made some old nerfed Hearthstone cards into magic cards. How would they do?
What card is this?
Resonant Mirage
Easiest Romania of my life!
Day 2 of catastrophically completing overdone cycles
I DON'T live in Romania.
Time /(and)/ Time Again
This + Mindslaver, then just wait 20 minutes
Chess Clock: dude hurry the fuck up I don't have all day
I made a Gruul Titan — Imratos, Titan of Earth’s Rage
Today, I decided to cook some _________
Void Reflect
Grover gleek
Can - is this broken?
Let’s all make a card together most upvoted comment win: card cost
Spirits, which party is better than both the democratic and republican party?
I need a ____job so bad