Songs where the singer is talking/referring to their fans
One word top 10
It’s that time again - weekly 5x5’s, let’s see yours! (please?)
What is your favorite Paramore song on drums?
Guess my age, gender, or something about me based on my top artists
Pick a number between 1-100 and I’ll give you a song to listen to
lowest compatibility challange
whats our compatibility
What album you scrobbled most?
how compatible are we?
compatible or nah?(doesnt matter if u arent)
Name an artist and i´ll tell you how many scrobbles i have of them!
drop an artist and ill tell you how many scrobbles i have of them !
Thoughts of so far so fake?
are we compatible? :3
Are you my mutual?
honest opinion/recs for my all time 5x5!
does anyone whos compatible wanna be mutuals :3
Мадагаскар центр позитива
I created these two original characters that have never been thought of before; what should I name them?
Top 8 songs over the last 4 weeks, W or L?
Как она здесь оказалась?
What is your top 10 artist ratio?
I have listened to 2750 artists, name an artist and I’ll say how many scrobbles I have!
Give me the artist that you listen to that has the least amount of monthly listeners and I'll tell you if I listened to them. If I haven't, I'll listen to them and tell you what I think.