Trading a no potion blazing lion I can add a ride potion to the trade if you want dm me offers please
Looking for offers on a mega frost fury please dm me your offer and have a wonderful day
Shoot me a message
Shoot me a dm please
W or l I’m the cow
Dm me!:)
Doing this trade dm me! Looking for small add with fairy’s
Shoot me a dm
My offer for fairy bat dragon dm me
Offer for no pot fairy bat dragon or any version of it
I can’t believe they actually went through with this! They really wanted the field mouse
WFL - I’m mega cow
Shoot me a dm!
Plz trade is my dream
Looking for upgrades shoot me a dm!
Trading! Want: Lovesick Bow Set
Want so bad
New to trading in flee what’s the most used value list and any suggestions?
Were these trades decent?
Would anyone do this trade (Im Turtle)