Highest healing in comp?
Registeel raid 7956 9484 2475
Rgeisteel 7956 9484 2475 first 10
Kyurem 4395 7891 4637
Cobalion 4395 7891 4637
Tyranitar 4395 7891 4637
Possible soft ban?
Aerodactyl 4395 7891 4637
Has anyone been able to get unabnned? 30 day ban here
Mega sceptile 7956 9484 2475 and all others
7956 9484 2475 going to be doing mega raids for the next few hrs add and be online all megas available
are these mega Latios and latias raids everywhere or in a specific region
I’m sure you guys are tired of this question, but Should I purify or no? Im torn
Snorlax 7956 9484 2475
Mega Alakazam raid now! 1666 4763 2066