[CONCEPT] "he made tpab and good kid maad city 😭"
guys it is not that deep
Let's DEBATE. Kendrick is NOT hypocritical for anything he said in the beef
June 3, 2089
What does this have to do with my class
resets will now be at 2 AM EST again due to daylight savings
is nc may's sync move misleading?
I think we should send in a ticket.
¿Is May bugged for real?
Feeling a little scammed by NC May :/
New player who should I pull for?
Coaxed into skill
coaxed into american hate for some reason
Coming back after 2-3yrs, where do I begin?
Why tf is Kendrick still following kanye bru 😭
I wanna go to Brooklyn College but I’m worried about the social life
My goat approves of women beaters???
My Main Problem With DC Aren't These Scores
she is one of the best master fairs in terms of kit design
Non disbursing tap for books
School Email
Does anyone really hate undergrad
Odds of getting in
should arc suit filter be added or should arc be included in master passive filter
Returning player tips?