Presidents Hair Color
How do Ethiopians view other East Africans, especially Rwandans and Kenyans?
Very even split, thought it was interesting :)
Black guy who has never experienced racism scared of experiencing racism
This is intresting i would never imagine it would be a similar amount across racial groups
Did Muslims ever believe in the curse of ham
I don’t mean this offensively!
Could Nelson Mandela Pass as Southeast Asian
Ethiopia’s Racism Problem: It’s Ignorance, Not Hatred
Traumatized by habesha girl fetish
Is my makeup making me look “less black??”
Pretending to be Black online is a wild choice cause there is probably no other group of people that can sniff your BS out faster than a Black people
Brazil is racist as hell(plus weird af).
Why weren’t there tensions between Russia and USA during the Cold War in the Bering strait ? Most of it seemed to be happening in Europe.
Some people really do live in this reality.
*insert black people can't time travel joke*
Guess my Ancestry?
People who listen to everything but black male rappers
Are you habesha ?
Could this Australian Aboriginal Man Pass as South Indian
African Coily hair is not from heat/UV Rays
she is obviously talking about Ethiopia, do you think Ethiopia is racist toward other African countries?
Racist In Private? It’s None Of Our Business.
I didn't know Religions were Racist