Describe the Crime Scene..
Would you shit in this toilet for 1 million dollars? 🎅🏻🎅🏻🦀
what stuff do you guys do at 9pm
How do you refer to the band?
Got a stack of slimes tattoo!
What's your favorite emoji? Mine is 👾
When you say Radiohead?
Just checking
Do you got a name?
Which do you think is the best episode in unstable universe
Who do you think the Director is?
When do you think parrot’s and Wemmbu’s unstable universe will cross over again?
i made like a unstable fan server
hnsly i lv whn ppl sy tht thy lv wmn bt in rlty, thy lv mn whch mks thm ga 💔💔
Name my creature.
who has the best music taste?
What's your favourite AFK farm?
Desktop Background
Which is the best game you've played?
Literally the Minecraft Movie
Here’s my list of favorite metal bands and their albums
What yall think of this song?
____ is so fucking gay.
what is this design 💀