Some pictures I made of my inart jokers what do you guys think of these figures my personal favorites in my collection
For people who ordered this guy, what are your thoughts?
Should I be considered for the Artisan Luke skywalker and the hair glue coming off ?
Can't wait for the batfleck 2.0
Sealed Hot Toys CW Flash Sale or Trade at
Mr Freeze from Batman and Robin announced.
Hot Toys teases the new Daredevil
Eye fell out of my Joker, anybody know how to fix it? Can it be fixed?
Did the clones in episode 3 stand any chance when Yoda and Obi wan infiltrated the temple?
Monthly Buy/Sell/Trade (BST)
New Venom Defective Arms
The Flash Has Released
Less than expected given HK price of 320
What are the odds this guy meets the March shipping date? Lol
Owning a HT Chewbacca over time
This woman Ashoka is one of the few people who can say she fought Anakin Skywalker and Maul, and lived
Return of the Jedi Darth Vader Deluxe Edition
ROTS 20th Figure Wishes!
is there any hope of HT/sideshow doing a 1:6 pose-able Kratos figure?
All the leaked skins that haven't arrived yet
Hello! I bought this toy today
Who's excited to use rauora and her new gun
Hi there this is my first post here so I apologize if it doesn’t belong. I currently have the Cybeart Batman gaming chair, but I want to get one of XL Star Wars skins from SecretLab to put over it. Does anyone know if it would fit ?
There's Our Boy
Hot Toys announced the Clean T-800 2.0