N Word passes are overrated. Now selling Incest Passes
Westoros if incest wasn’t invented
Serious Question: Who is the Biggest Cuck in all of Planetos?
It's bedtime. If the King doesn't go to bed, Grandpa and Grandma will get very mad >:(
What's this lazy bum doing?
These 4 become bitter enemies, whose making it out alive?
These 4 become enemies. Who's making it out alive?
Pick any object in the world and I’ll give you a power based on it
What's you favorite one-liner?
When you spend three hours explaining your worldbuilding... and someone asks, But whats the plot?
How cooked is bro?
Guys, i just realized that French Fries aren't actually Fr*nch! I've been living a lie!
Out of all of these, which one would you rather get superpowers from?
go to these countries if you want to live in hell
They're all thieves!
Are we supposed to actually like the Starks?
Is she cooking or getting cooked?
2 Really Big Reasons Joffrey's death was the greatest thing on television
Help! I hate Cersei but love Lena Headey
When Joffrey died, am I the only person that was looking at Cersei’s tits?
Why didn't Rhaegar just win? It would have saved us a lot of trouble
Send word to the Kingdom, the King is dead! Stabbed to death by his son
Firearms existed in the closing years of the wars of the roses, considering the periods impact on ASOIAF, how would things change?