Why isn't there a good place to just... post stories?
Help: is forcing oneself to vomit normal?
Dipper and Mabel as Demigods (by thecaprica)
What timing.
Having these two as your faves isn’t for the faint of heart
UC Davis should really stop with their "Neuro-Diversity" Branding
If Rabbits & Hares Are Different 'Kinds,' Macroevolution IS Real
Universal Locker Rooms at ARC
This Is Why Science Doesn't Prove Things
The Surtsey Tomato - A Thought Experiment
I so strongly wish logic worked on ocd
72 Years old Muhammad Al-Azizi a Moroccan Bookseller who has been selling books for 56 years.
Drew Dr.Kel untwinkified
Sorry, men no longer exist
Did the sun's light rays serve as the environmental pressures that helped tigers evolve their iconic color and stripes?
How to do an effective/authentic Bondrewd impression?
How can I use this Defensive Power Offensively?
Roommate goes into my room when I’m not home and uses my things☹️
Is Thomas Nagel's teleological explanation of the evolution of consciousness naturalistic?
Can someone explain to me why ominous bottles had to be a thing? How is this system better?
Given Lovecraft's infamous xenophobia, it's likely that actual "eldritch entities beyond human comprehension" would be more likely to simply confuse the average person than horrify them.
Coolest thing you learned about evolution
Do men actually feel when their balls are “full” (in the way that women can feel their boobs are full when breastfeeding)?
Why do we know more about the assassin of a random CEO in a week then we know about the attempted assassin of a at the time former and soon to be again president in 5+ months?
School nurse caught me doing ERP and I’ve been forced into fucking daily “wellness checks”