Girlfriend faked like sex daily for the first 6 months of our relationship
Gf used to want to have sex all the time but now it’s barely ever.
How much is to much to ask as a wife in the bedroom?
I’m 19 and don’t have a lot of experience working out, what specifically can I improve to get my dream physique? (Last 2 slides)
Carsa is a joke
Recently switched board size thoughts?
Does anyone know how i can get my front wheels to stop squeaking
Not fitting in anywhere
Cis woman misgendered constantly
Not being able to make friends since being a lesbian
Feeling like I don’t fit in anywhere
Textbookhelp Feedback #8
Anorexia recovery - 1year 9months (100lbs - 140lbs) 5’8”
!! Giveaway time !!
Does anyone know the exact model?
17, not attractive/happy with myself and need a boost. Any tips?
Baggy jeans help
Judge my physique
Parents want me to quit working because it’s too manly
How is my lat spread form?
What should I focus on this year? M33 6' 188 lbs
Should I keep bulking?
Inverted delts?
What are my main weaknesses?
How long does it look like I've been training?