Addiction is weakness, not a disease
Is the market really as bad as people make it out to be??
I feel like I could never run my own CE business - what am I doing wrong?
What made you lose attraction to a woman immediatley?
Some people are genuinely unlovable no matter what.
Strong anxiety-related nausea
How do you guys stand it?
Crush on coworker. Do I tell her?
I’m tired of the Boy’s Club
Gap Year After Licensure?
Is it possible to watch a video in the Youtube App, while listening to music in the YTM app in the same device?
Men, what are ways to feel drunk, high or generally euphoric without drinking or doing illegal drugs?
Patriarchy- friend or foe
Absurd comedy podcast recommendations?
Drama-free plant appreciation thread! Share with me your favouritest hardy, easy-going plants you own. :D
pay wise, can I expect to live a comfortable life?
Feeling of a Panic Attack
I received an entire ham from work, im a single guy, whats the best way to eat an entire ham?