My mom recently has been doing some weird things. I'm 13.
Name my new boy preferably with a C name
Why are people such assholes on this app?
Violent Rapist Conor McGregor holding a press conference in the White House
I feel like my brother hates me.
Slick back or messy?
Sky vortex
Anyone interested in attending a town hall event with our congressman?
Graveyard Gardening!
Why are some people more prone to being bullied, othered, or made fun of even when they aren’t going against social norms? Do they just look more gullible?
I had vitreous surgery for floaters. One month.
Are gemini women too much to handle for you libra men? Honest experiences
lana del rey with a fan yesterday in LA
It makes me so sad that so many of the women's subs here spend so much time talking about men.
Should I do something with my hair?
Dealing with resentment
Accidentally pregnant at 20
2019 Palastenian Demonstration and Protest
DAE drive through “rich people” neighborhoods just to look at houses you know you’ll never be able to afford?
Regret sending nudes
Shoe repair, especially Birkenstocks
Dems give in to CR
Are my eyes considered to feminine for a guy? My eyelashes have always naturally been upturned and long. Often women compliment them but guys I know say homophobic slurs.