[ Removed by Reddit ]
Was this love bombing?
Don’t know what to do with my 4c hair
Would this be unprofessional ?
Is happiness real, where do i find it?
Was I harsh for wanting to talk race in our interracial relationship?
The last thing you ate will be his name.
Do you like being a Black woman
How being a tall woman feels....
Plant World
When your nail tech always gets you together 🤗
Why are you not afraid of death?
Mold on top of soil?
I am scared of moving out of my parents house, even though I am 23 years old, what should I do?
Should I propagate?
Couldn’t say no
Which hair color suits me best?
Does size matter?
What’s something you believed as a child that seems ridiculous now?
What song seems to always make you cry?
Dating someone who’s is less experienced, is it worth it?