Character growth
How Do You Think X-Men Evolution Would've Ended If It Wasn't Cancelled?
Next day: The hot one
Cursed Tory Kyrten
"I can't believe she's gone." (@TinyBaer)
Enough about Oscar snubs--what are some performances that were snubbed at the RAZZIES?
‘Return of the Sinister Six’ had its problems but it had amazing Peter and MJ moments like this.
Scott and Jean enjoying some tea [ X men first class #4 ]
Name a cuter family I’ll wait.
Name a cuter family I’ll wait. From ‘Ultimate Spider-Man (2024)’ #1.
Morning Paper (by @snowvism)
Sydney Sweeney
MJ prays for Peter to be safe. Also nice nod to Kirsten Dunst who is a Christian in real life. From ASM 538.
Who would win in a fight?
MJ prays for Peter to be safe. Also nice nod to MJ’s actress Kirsten Dunst who is Christian in real life. From Amazing Spider-Man #538
Milo finally got his own!
I think Jean Grey should be classed as one bad ass mom thanks to this cover don't mess with her son and daughter or husband
Tell us you're an asshole without telling us you're an asshole
Always so odd to see "Claire" on LOST. Juliet is an amazing actress!
Rogue the protective wife.
Annie tries to buy beer. I found this on Twitter.
Jean and Scott having a relaxing evening together on the beach [ X men first class #2 ]
What did you notice on this artwork?
MJ being standing up for her daughter. USM 2024 MJ is such a good mother.
I love these sweet pictures and messages Scott and Jean have in their rooms which they had given each other in the X men legends game