Who Does Ashley Padilla Look Like?
What 1970s sketches (if aired for the first time in the 2020, with the 2020s cast) would still work? And vice versa?
Vanessa Bayer
Grayson Moorhead Securities - a Jim Downey classic satirizing investment bankers and their philosophy. This is a great example of how funny Downey is with his trademark dry deadpan delivery. (S21 E3)
Chris Farley enters a room:
Favourite Sketch of the Season
SNL’s Jane Wickline Is Taking Her Sketch Show On the Road
Matchup #8 - The New SNL Bracket '25 - David Spade vs. Tina Fey
Everyone's talking about which monologue was the worst. What about the monologues that were the most "offensive"?
Going back and reading through old posts and comments on this sub is a real trip!
Will Ferrell's 1st Goulet sketch promoting his rap mixtape....featuring Will dropping N bombs. Funny stuff but pretty sure SNL has washed this from their archives
ISO of a girl I met 3/1 at the show!!!!!
He has to be the worst...
What is the best host monologue of all time?
What is the worst monologue of all time?
Sweet Sassy Molassy! Chet Harper debuted on Sports Center 26 years ago tonight on March 13, 1999. Ray Romano host, S24E15.
We don't realize how good we have it now
Once in a Lifetime Jewelers - a forgotten Jason Sudeikis gem featuring the debut of his short lived albeit hilarious blowhard character Ed Mahoney. Such great and fun characterization from Jason here. (S31 E10)
It really wasn’t Pips fault!!
God Bless Dan Aykroyd
An Aidy Bryant classic - Farrow & Ball
Sarah Sherman sketch recommendations?
Semi-forgotten character
Stephen Miller goes off on SNL on Fox News
Give Up the Ham - a great absurdist gem from Will Forte's first season, showcasing his great oddball singing voice. (S28 E14)