Marathon Weekend: Spectating Main St to AK
Keep Updates when you are in!
Wish Marathon Weekend had a 10k/Half challenge
Honest question what’s your keybind for your kick?
Races that have not come back
26 Marathon weekend registration feels early
First Time Marathon Spectator
Friendly reminder: Don’t forget your beer cups!
Gilded Crests will drop from tier 11 Delves as well as tier 8+ bounty delves in Season 2
Freeloaders - Dark Legacy Comics #930
Starting line bathrooms
Marathon Thoughts
Marathon course backstage areas?
Post-10K Breakfast Timing
New Start Time (4:30!) and new route announced for 2025 marathon!
Marathon Weekend Question: do most people hit the parks with their medals right after the Full on Sunday, or do most hold off to do Medal Monday instead?
First vault of Season 4: Let us pray
After Party?
How early can you get back to the resort after the race?
Anyone been able to register since 10:30 ET?
More than an hour wait
Wine and Dine Proof of Time
Does start group actually matter?
Solo rundisney person.
Princess Weekend Maps