What song was this for you?
I’m mainly a metalhead but I have For Free on my playlist as an interlude on shuffle
Muse Albums Ranked
The Bends turns 30!!!🥳🥳🥳 which is your fav song from this album
Am I tripping, or dose Koopley from Paper Mario look like Serj?
Can we take a moment to acknowledge how funny this game is
Genuine questions(not posting on r/teenagers because i will get downvoted to oblivion and called nazi so pls dont do it)
I’m out of memes I need some
Turning 16 in a couple of weeks and I feel so bad for everyone who interacted with me when I was 14
hi guys i like femboys
What’s my style called?
I made a Kid A-themed iPhone layout
Here is Jewish Saudi Arabia
This image of corpsegrinder could easily be a meme
Songs for when you feel like this.
16nbm (technically 15 but turning 16 in a few weeks) Homschooler AMA
Bored again AMA
I dare you >:3
There is an Imposter among us
What’s Muse’s heaviest song?
Rate me??
Dog owners of Reddit, what is the dumbest thing your dog is afraid of?
Completely random story that I’m gonna post for absolutely no reason
Young Dwight D Eisenhower kinda looks like Tyler to me