What YB tape has the most hidden gems 💎?
Ain’t no way😭😭
before this when was the last music video yb had a gun?
lmaooo cmon bro
Obviously I know yb his own man but y’all think he might do the same when he gets out?
Fredo trolling 😭😭💀
Who the twins Yb was talking about?
Why is traffic on this part of 59/I-69 always bad this late at night
Why does 59/ I 69 always have traffic around this area late at night?
He in Miami he be hidin from this murda gang
Whats this song?
Y'all Agree With this Take?
Take me Slow video dropped. Seem like yb team said fuck the views we just gonna drop all of them coz of the leakers. this the lowest views hes ever had im sure but we back soon👀
My phone tweakin or this song hella off beat? ☠️
“Take these pills all day I gotta make sure that I ate 💊” On Me music video finally officially dropped
Does this guy actually win anyone familiar with him?
Last song recorded before he went back to jail. No slurring, No drugged up voice, just pure rapping and good vocals 🫡
will it hit?? 👀
Ok since yall dont known ima tell yall 2018 most emotional year 2020 best murder music year 2022 most versatile
Did Yb ever have a music video for survivor?
This really a top 20 yb song if u know ball
This server is amazing. They did it again! ❤️💥🔥Dm/comment if u wanna win too!
the infamous moowop from dont blink or stare joins q50s life
Just a reminder of the Greatest song created ever in history