Tapu Koko 6210 7672 3849 Going asap
Tapu Koko 6210 7672 3849 Need two more people
Tapu Koko 6210 7672 3849 Need some help taking him down
Remote Raid Megathread - Host and/or find raids here
Tapu Koko 6210 7672 3849 Going ASAP
Tapu Koko 6210 7672 3849 Need two more
Tapu Koko 6210 7672 3849 Help me find a shiny :)
Tapu Koko 6210 7672 3849 Let's hunt that shiny :)
Tapu Koko 6210 7672 3849 Need two more guys
Tapu Koko 6210 7672 3849 Help me get the shiny :)
Tapu Koko 6210 7672 3849 Need two mire people!
Free requaza 2800 CP giveaway!
Mega Swampert 6210 7672 3849 Going ASAP
Mega Swampert 6210 7672 3849 Need two more
Mega Swampert 6210 7672 3849 Please help me win
Tapu Koko 6210 7672 3849 Need two more people going asap
Tapu Koko 6210 7672 3849 Need two more people!
Tapu Koko 6210 7672 3849 Let's take him down ;)