Irodalom óra
Milyen helyen jártatok eddig a világban, amire sosem gondoltatok volna, hogy egyszer elfogtok oda menni?
I've got no clue what the historical context to this is, but this will be 2,803.93 Ducats wroth spending
Az ellenfél: LSD
Salary Megathread 2023/24
Nem egyedül nézte a tűzijátékot Orbán, összeállt a Dream Team 2023
Used C30 - advice before buying
What are some good underdog tactics? I'm talking second and third league levels.
Please help me with my undergraduate thesis by filling out this short survey :)
Forging Factory Steel Hydraulic Press and Molding
Mindezek mellé: "kompetens javadalmazás, majd idővel kiemelkedő kereseti lehetőség" azaz minimálbér?
Giveaway: $50 Microsoft credit.
What expensive purchase have you made that has paid for itself many times over because you saved money in the long run?
In the recent NHL YouTube video where players talk about their coolest goal - wasn’t Patrick Kane on offside before scoring his coolest one?
Idiots filling up their cars
Happy 2020! /r/MillionaireMakers is celebrating its 50th Drawing Thread today, and we’re glad you can join us! All you have to do is leave a comment to enter, and you can be the first winner of the decade! [Drawing Thread #50]
Second choice
A rózsák vörösek, blicceltem de sajnos elkapott az ellenőr a MÁV-on
What is the smallest thing you've ever heard someone complain about?
Got unmatched... wish I knew why...
(Un)official and open on-ice practices?
What state are you from?
Went to Slovakia to see Sweden play against Latvia. Got to see the King play from the first row