Favorite villainous trio.
Favorite character with a rhotacism?
Favorite character whose pose you like to hit irl for various reasons
Currently working on a board game. Here's a sneak peek of two of the pieces! What should they be called?
Favorite Green character in honor of St. Patrick's day?
Favorite green character
Favorite character that makes you feel like this.
Favorite Character who has canonically driven a Tank
mrbeast compares his show's rating with invincible's
I just rewatched the HTTYD movies, and there is not a single mortal being in all fiction or fantasy (or real life) that this dude couldn't take on and win.
I think she'll remember that.
Favorite character that is short (as in looks less than 4ft tall)
Favorite Character you would protect if means doing this?
What’s your favorite 2010s show?
Is there an episode of a show that saved your life?
The legitimately a rip off of the day of the departed crew
Which death of a favorite character hit you the hardest?
Favorite rabbits/hares?
Favorite character who is an asshole/horrible person on the movie/show but an absolute treat to watch on screen?
Favorite character from a game you’ve never played but want to?
Pov: you're a sonic meme
[The Fantastic 4]
Name a cartoon episode/moment that made you feel like this: