How do I get the 3 Observation Data in Ch. Proxy and the Hare after they remove the TV thing?
Well well well
How many RBS y'all have saved?
Entry #1 Archaic GM (GM kitbash) My First Hand Painted Custom build. Paints that were used for painting and weathering: ArKom (Armored Komodo)
hello there
This is me every time I think about life.
If you messed up in life, always remember.
I've already shared this on my twitter but imma share this here as well. I hope you like it みんな! 🧡🧡🧡
Thank you for EVERYTHING Kaichou! 🧡🧡🧡
When you clutch a 1v5 game
Lucky summoning spots?
Ohhh you're approaching me?!
Just sharing XD