I miss the Dragon Knight's voicelines when summoning it in Dragon Shire. 😭
Does anybody else find the combat to be too easy after a certain point? [KCD2]
[KCD2] When there’s loot on the altar and the pontiff is too sick to notice
My 12 yo, husband and I all played together last night (so fun!), now looking for tips.
Who's that healer?
[KCD2] The Polehammer problem
[KCD2] What mod are you hoping gets made?
Who is this chode at the end of the game supposed to be?
The announcement HotS deserved. News coming soon...
Heroes of the Storm Live Patch Notes - March 12, 2025
The men in this family likes 'em older.
remember this? well, im still working on it. question, are the bell towers tall enough; or should i ad 10 more mitres to them ?
They need to make opponents more durable [KCD2]
Total War Warcraft would be neat
Modded 7DtD Daybreak
What's everyone's most hated map?
[KCD2] Anna of Waldstein?
Help identifying
Why can’t you move placed objects?
[KCD2] Polearm desperately needs buff
Henry and his pile of emotional support Raven’s Beaks [KCD2]
Where are all these left leaning people coming from?
New Helmet, and Axe day. My Viking kit is complete now.
They were on musk's side, until they chased him away
This sub over the past 72 hours