What's a problem in today's society that no one talks about?
If you could erase one piece of knowledge from your mind just to experience learning it again, what would that be?
What cartoon did you grow up on?
What’s your opinion on recording other people and posting them on your social media without their permission?
What is one piece of advice you would give to your younger self?
ELI5: Why do ants love to hang out inside computers?
Rate my bangers, mash and onion gravy
What are those small inconveniences that make you lose your patience?
If the moon disappeared overnight, what would be the first sign that something was wrong?
What decade made the best rock music?
What do you do when you feel lost in life?
Why do ants love to hang out inside computers?
A name for my dream kitty? I'm so happy I'm ugly crying
What is the craziest thing you've done ever ?
Why do some guys smell their hands after touching their crotches?
How do you breathe?
What do you miss most about the 2010s?
What are signs that someone is from a rich family?
What's the dumbest argument you ever had with someone?
im 40yo... what is the first word that comes to your mind?
If no one's sent you nudes today, would you want mine?
What my sister gave me for dinner. Minus the sauce.
Whats that one game that slaps but only you play
What does it mean to be a good person?