Do you wash your fabric
Carrie is always wearing a bra
I was grocery shopping when...
Carrie’s Eyeliner
With Frank's passing, I always thought BOB should have taken the form of Leland in The Return. Not only is the actor fantastic and barely used in S3, but the precedent for BOB taking his victims faces was already established.
Why the hell did Carrie take Big Back?!
Why?!! Love this episode... How soon should we wait before we see his package?xoxo
Just realized the tip of a sewing gauge is flared like this because it's 5/8th of a inch 🤯
Petey from Severance, S4E1
Does anyone else’s cat enjoy hanging their legs? Anyone know why?
This sweater on Samantha is eveything
The entire stand cheering for her
8 Months Difference
She was complaining about a fictional SCRUNCHIE but she for real wore her hair like this????
50s Repro Brand Review: Bernie Dexter
150 hour David Bowie coloured pencil drawing
Just moved here and looking for a family Dentist
Early Season’s Miranda
Tell me about your jobs that allow you to knit while working.
I was feeling festive on my first Twin Peaks Day
Watched Part 8 of The Return last night for the first time—got a light?
Bay Area: BLACKSTAR at SF Symphony
Lazarus, The Play
How much are these worth?
I re-listened to No Line on The Horizon.