Basic Laptop Recommendation
Which version for a first timer?
Finally back in stock on Gruv
Which movie bombed at the box office but you absolutely love?
I thought this could be a nice screenshot and then...
Why did Audyssey turn the levels down on every speaker?
Are you safe or are you fucked?
How do I know which one to pick before seeing a movie for the first time?
Witcher 3 has the best voice acting in all games I've ever played
Which is cheaper
Which one of these should I get?
Please HELP I’m trying to buy my S/O a present!!!
How do I make the soft garlic cloves with greek baked chicken?
What movie, TV show or game hasn’t gotten a steelbook that you feel should get one?
Should I assume the Dollars Trilogy is next for steelbooks?
Roach believes we are in space gravity now apparently
Grandmaster loot
Is this a 4K steelbook version?
Does too high volume result in loss of directional clarity?
Wait what?
How to not be a glass canon?
Small white line at bottom of tv
Any help would be appreciated.
My witcher 3 is still the only game thats overheating my ps5 is their a fix i have cleaned my fan too